Loved Called Gifted

The Loved Called Gifted Podcast is your place to come for musings about spirituality, identity and purpose. Thoughts about life purpose and how to discover it. Finding value in being - not just doing. Spirituality and how to develop it. Interviews with people who have interesting stories, experience and knowledge to share. The podcast also supports the Loved, Called, Gifted course, which can be found at

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7 days ago

Lucie Labadie is a dance artist. A few years ago, she began to learn about the menstrual cycle and the way that women's bodies travel through different phases, different seasons each month. In this episode she talks to Catherine about what she has discovered and how understanding her body helps her to live more in tune with it. There are times in the month when she chooses to prioritise rest and times for focus and activity. Times when she is more intuitive. She has learnt that some times in the month are better for making decisions than others. She talks about the beauty and the spirituality of the female body. 
Let it Bleed! is the dance show that Lucie created collaboratively with a group of women to artistically explore and depict the journey through the different seasons of the cycle. She shares the inspiration for the show and the way it was created.
You can find out more about Lucie and her work on her website,
Find out more about Loved Called Gifted on the website.
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If you would like to get hold of Catherine's new book, you can find it on Amazon.

Unschooling with Heidi Steel

Friday Mar 07, 2025

Friday Mar 07, 2025

Heidi Steel runs Live Play Learn, a hub and a community for unschooling parents. Unschooling is an approach to homeschooling that starts with the understanding that humans are born with a natural ability to learn and parents can provide the natural environment in which that can happen for their children. She is a qualified primary school teacher, and having worked in schools for 14 years, knew that she wanted something different for her own children. She talks about how unschooling has positively shaped the life of her family and provided the opportunity to create environments and learning opportunities centred around the individual personalities and needs of each of her children. Including where there is neurodiversity. She hosts the Unschooling Conversations podcast and you can find resources and information at
There is a transcript for this episode on the Loved Called Gifted website, where you can find out all sort of things about what I get up to. 
You can connect with me on Facebook, or via email:

Friday Feb 21, 2025

In the last episode, Catherine looked at the concept of Biblical Womanhood, and the fact that it doesn't really stand up to scrutiny if you start by looking at Jesus and his interactions with women. This time, she is joined by Sean Kennedy to consider manhood through the lens of Jesus, his life, his teachings and his interactions with the men around him. Spoiler alert: Jesus never once tells men they need to be in charge. 
If you enjoy this episode and the ideas within it, you might like to read Catherine's new book: Finding God's Feminine Side, which is available on Amazon as both a paperback and a Kindle version. 
Episode transcript
Loved Called Gifted website
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Friday Feb 07, 2025

What does it mean to be a “Christian Woman”? Over the years I have heard a lot and read a lot about what the ideal Christian Woman might be like. The notion of Biblical Womanhood is particularly prominent in certain sections of the church. One gets the picture of a quiet, submissive woman who’s good at needlework and making cupcakes. It’s an image that seems to be more about the ideal 1950’s housewife than it is anything in the Bible. 
Perhaps it would make more sense, to start a conversation about Christian womanhood by looking at the life of Jesus. What was it like to be a woman and a disciple? What can we discover from the conversations between Jesus and the women he spent time with? What sort of womanly behaviour did he encourage? 
In this episode, I explore those questions. And the answers turn out to be a bit different to the picture of ideal Christian Womanhood I have encountered elsewhere. 
The new book mentioned in the podcast is now out and can be found on Amazon!
To get in touch with Catherine, email:
Or you could connect with us on Facebook.
Explore the Loved Called Gifted website.

Friday Jan 24, 2025

Gill Jarrett is a holistic massage therapist, working in Shrewsbury. She discovered her passion for massage while on her own healing journey out of domestic violence and into healing and wholeness. She is now passionate about helping others on their journeys. She shares her own story and her desire to see others find healing, in body, mind and spirit. She is qualified in Jing massage and is an Advanced Clinical and Sports Massage Therapist. She has conducted research into the benefits of massage and often runs workshops, like the one she did for the University of Staffordshire, which is where she and Catherine met. She has lots of wisdom to share about life, passion, purpose and the healing that comes when we find our way back to ourselves and back into our bodies. 
Episode Transcript
To find out more about Gill and (if you live near enough!) to find out how to go and get a massage yourself (highly recommended!) you can go to Gill's Facebook page. 
You might like to follow the Loved Called Gifted Facebook page. Or have a look at our website.

Friday Jan 10, 2025

This episode of the "Loved Called Gifted" podcast, host Catherine Cowell is joined by clinical psychologist and author Naomi Fisher. They discuss Fisher's book "When the Naughty Step Makes Things Worse" and explore alternative approaches to parenting, particularly for children who don’t respond to traditional methods. There are lots of   relatable anecdotes and humour about the daily chaos of parenting, paired with Naomi's insights into navigating challenges with creativity.
There is a full transcript available here.
To connect with us, feel free to join in our Facebook page. 
To find out more about Naomi Fisher and her work, go to:
To find out more about the work that Catherine does with parents, go to the And Breathe website. 
You can find the Loved Called Gited website here

Friday Dec 20, 2024

Pete Lewin Newfoundlands is a remarkable charity that gives people the unique opportunity to swim with Newfoundland dogs. Pete fell in love with Newfoundlands when he learnt about their incredible abilities as water rescue dogs and their heroism. While working with them as water rescue dogs, he discovered the potential of his Newfoundlands to support people with their emotional and mental well being. He now takes all sorts of people swimming with his Newfoundlands, working particularly with people from the armed forces and emergency services, who have experienced trauma. The combination of time in the water with the dogs and swimming outdoors in the peace and beauty of the lake, are hugely beneficial. Pete shares his love for his dogs, the story of Pete Lewin Newfoundlands and something of his own experiences of working for many years as a paramedic. 
To find out more about Loved Called Gifted and the things we get up to, have a peek at our website.
You can also follow us on Facebook.

Emily: We need bigger pots!

Friday Dec 06, 2024

Friday Dec 06, 2024

Emily shares the story of her family, which includes birth children, children who are adopted and asylum seeking migrants, who they foster. She talks about her faith and God’s leading and provision through their remarkable journey. She mentions Home for Good and the impact their work has had on the wider church and discusses the dynamics of a large family. And trusting God each morning that there will be enough love for everyone.
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Friday Nov 22, 2024

Connective parenting is an approach to parenting that puts relationship and connection at the centre. It is based on NVR, which stands for Non Violent Resistance and has been enormously helpful for families facing extremely difficult behaviour. It contains within it principles that can be helpful beyond parenting, in all our relationships. Sarah Fisher is an adoptive parent and NVR practitioner. She created Connective Family, which provides training, coaching and advice to parents and professionals and has her own podcast, "Sarah Fisher talks connective parenting".
To find out more about Sarah Fisher
Visit the Loved Called Gifted website
You can read a full transcript of the episode. 
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Ed:  Oops updated audio file Sat 23 Nov 13:00 to fix missing audio around 6 mins mark - Stephen

Friday Nov 08, 2024

Apologies this episode is not currently available.
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Loved Called Gifted

The Loved Called Gifted podcast is a mixture of inspiring stories, thought provoking conversations and explorations of ideas around identity, calling, psychology, spirituality. Really anything about who we are and why we do the things we do. Although rooted in Christian spirituality, the content is much broader than that and not everyone who listens to or takes part in the podcast would call themselves a Christian. 


Alongside the podcast, there are all sorts of other resources. We have a course which helps you to explore your identity and calling. Called Loved Called Gifted. We also offer coaching, spiritual direction and facilitation. To explore all this and more, go the Loved Called Gifted website.


Full transcripts of each episode can also be found at the Loved Called Gifted website.

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